The Language Instinct

The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language
by Steven Pinker

关于交配姿势的fun facts


The Selfish Gene

The Selfish Gene
by Richard Dawkins

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

阿兹卡班的囚徒这一部印象深刻因为涉及到了时间旅行。这一次看完书之后又半快进 过了一遍电影。对比之下光看电影就已经很精彩,但是看了书之后就发现电影还是缺失了许多细节。书里构建起了一个更加宏大的世界并提供了更合理的逻辑连接。当年看电影的 时候最深刻的片段是Harry在湖边看到湖岸对面的守护神咒。自那以后对牡鹿格外喜爱,下意识认为是神圣的象征。公鹿头上的角充满着抵御黑暗的力量。几年前半夜两点开去自然保护区在一片漆黑的路中央看到几头鹿瞬间觉得收到了护佑。


Aristotle was born around 384 BC in the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia where his father was the royal doctor. He grew up to be arguably the most influential philosopher ever, with modest nicknames like‘the master’ and simply ‘the philosopher’.


Hobbes suggests that the persistence of a vision after the eyes have been closed indicates that the ocular sensory apparatus is still in motion; this motion is no longer immediate sensation, but imagination.
Fear stems from ignorance of causes and that religions have been invented to posit causal forces in an effort to dispel fear.

Two Treatises of Government

Two Treatises of Government
by John Locke

An Essay Concerning Human Understanding

An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
by John Locke

Thinking Fast and Slow

Thinking, Fast and Slow concerns a few major questions: how do we make decisions? And in what ways do we make decisions poorly?

Democracy vs Republic

On Bad Habit

What you said about good habits and culture is very inspiring. Anything that can be considered as culture must be beneficial to the society. It exists so that the society can grow. In contrast, bad habits are just bad habits.

2019 Book Review



Are We Tempered by Aliens?

Thoughts on whether human were genetically modified by Higher beings based on 2001, A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
(Blade Runner #1)
by Philip K. Dick





We Are Family


by 阿来