The Selfish Gene
by Richard Dawkins

Key takeaways

  • Evolution is driven by varying abilities and limited resources

    • replicator: a molecule able to copy itself
  • The basic unit of evolution is the gene, because it can exist as multiple copies and is therefore near-immortal.

    • differential survival: in a given population of entities with differing abilities, some survive and propagate while others die out.
    • genes: short snippets of DNA
  • Genes are selfish by definition: their survival success comes at the expense of other genes.

    • chromosomes
    • alleles: Different versions of genes for the same characteristic
  • A gene’s phenotype-the way its code is manifested in its environment- determines its survival

    • DNA is basically a long molecular chain constructed of four types of molecules denoted by the letters A, T, C and G.
    • phenotype: the bodily manifestation of the gene
  • The survival success of a gene is dependent on its particular environment-both physical and genetic

    • Good camouflage for a tiger is very bad camouflage for a polar bear, because of the fundamentally different environments.
  • Genes program the brains they build with behavioral strategies that help their survival.

    • The natural environment can present an infinite number of different situations, so there is no way for an organism to have a prepared response to each one. Instead, behavioral responses are guided by ‘rules,’ which are encoded by the genes in a way that is analogous to how a computer is programmed
  • Competition between strategies results in a stable behavioral pattern in a population.

    1. “Doves,” which flee if attacked;
    2. “Hawks,” which always attack and fight until severely wounded;
    3. “Retaliators,” which behave as Doves until attacked, after which they respond as Hawks.
    • Neither the Hawk nor Dove is an evolutionarily stable strategy, because a population of either could be successfully invaded by the other.

    • Retaliators, on the other hand, aren’t injured through unnecessary aggression, but they do defend themselves if necessary (unlike the Dove). Therefore, in a population of Retaliators, neither Hawks nor Doves would be successful; the Retaliator’s strategy is evolutionarily stable.

  • The selfish survival drive of genes explains apparently altruistic behavior like parental care.

    • Genes program behaviors that benefit their copies in other organisms, even at the expense of their own organism – but only if it produces a greater overall survival benefit to the gene.
  • Mutually altruistic behaviors are often successful, because they benefit the host’s genes more than purely selfish behaviors do.

    • For example, ants “milk” insects called aphids for the sweet secretions they produce. The aphids might appear to be exploited in this arrangement, but in fact they gain significant protection from predation by having battle-ready ants around to protect them. Sometimes ants even raise and protect baby aphids inside anthills. Therefore, this cooperation benefits the survival of both ant genes and aphid genes. ::The end result – an increase in survival – satisfies a selfish motive, but the pathway to it is mutual altruism.::
  • Human culture is also subject to evolution, and its basic unit is the meme.

    • Culture can be considered the equivalent of a gene pool, with the basic unit of cultural evolution being a meme instead of a gene. A meme is the smallest piece of culture with potential immortality, for example, a tune, an idea or a YouTube clip of a dancing cat.
    • Separating culture from biology helps explain some of humanity’s more peculiar expressions, such as celibacy, which goes counter to biological imperatives.
  • Conscious human foresight can help us overcome the downsides of biological gene selfishness.

    • Humans are capable of conscious foresight. Our culture, if thought of in terms of memes, has already divorced itself from biological imperatives. We may not be genetically or intrinsically altruistic, but we can use our foresight to counter gene selfishness and, at the very least, to enter into the conspiracy of Doves for our own future benefit. We may even be able to attain the true altruism that does not exist in nature. 











所有的分子结构和宏观形态都是最终朝“稳定”状态发展,这也是热力学和熵的定义,有限空间内越稳定的分子团,只有存活更久,复制能力更快才会有更大可能性延续。须知这里的延续是非主观的,只是环境下的自发事件。这种竞争环境下的为了稳定状态和不断繁殖的“惯性”可能是所有拥有free will的物种(非人类的动物也算)本能的想繁殖想延续后代的本源所在。



事实上也正是因为基因无意识,作为基因的一种生存机器的人类产生了意识,才会让我们在这里讨论这个话题。作者开头提到外星人观察星球的智能程度首先就是看该星球上生命发现进化论没有,我觉得在进化论之前可以加上另一个判断标准,即生命是否产生了自我意识。作者在讲人脑强大的模拟机能时也稍微提了一下意识的产生:“perhaps consciousness arises when the brain’s simulation of the world becomes so complete that it must include a model of itself.” 但这里无法展开,因为又是一个庞大的哲学话题了。

作者提到的另一个观点是文化和DNA(gene pool)的相似性,文化中的最小组成单位meme可以类比一条gene片段。人类有意识的发展出了复杂文明,各种meme也再不断复制和延续,具有更高传播能力的meme也会像gene一样成为“自然选择”的“宠儿”,并且也能够对人类行为进行规则性的约束。有时文化和meme的约束力甚至大于DNA,这也就解释了为什么一部分投身宗教的神职人员能够长时间禁欲。这里的禁欲进一步理解其实是用宗教文化中投射出的自我意识抵抗基因所制定的繁殖规律。



  • Genes program behaviors that benefit their copies in other organisms, even at the expense of their own organism – but only if it produces a greater overall survival benefit to the gene.
  • The end result – an increase in survival – satisfies a selfish motive, but the pathway to it is mutual altruism.

看完后出现过一段时间的魔怔,任何生理现象都想寻求进化学上的意义。基因规定了一系列有多巴胺奖励的行为,比如摄取糖粉,性高潮,温和的气候和在笑的婴儿,因为这些都能够帮助基因的延续。然而抵挡不住我们这群猴子产生意识后开始的滥用,比如过量吃糖导致的肥胖反而降低繁衍质量,两性之间的交配变成个体的自慰。所以开始思考自慰是否有进化学意义。查了一下资料发现确实有,男性定期自慰能够保证精子的新鲜程度和活力,女性自慰由宫颈流出的体液能够给生殖器官消毒,减少细菌数量,为怀孕(即基因延续)提供更好环境。但最重要 的是,不论男女,自慰让人愉悦,缓解压力,综合提升了身心健康。



  1. But the loss of the head does not seem to throw the rest of the male’s body off its sexual stride. Indeed, since the insect head is the seat of some inhibitory nerve centres, it is possible that the female improves the male’s sexual performance by eating his head. If so, this is an added benefit.


  2. 第三章有一个科幻小说的类比,仙女星座的智慧生命向宇宙传播高级知识,但囿于光速的限制,只能不间断的重复向各个方向传播信息,地球距离仙女星座两百光年,这些信息传递了两百年终于来到地球,地球人学会了制作超级计算机,但整个星球为了争夺反而陷入了更大的灾难。最后主角将计算机毁灭。



