Hail Mary原来有“无成功希望的计划”这层意思,简中版译成《挽救计划》实属乏味。


《火星救援》作者Andy Weir最新作品。



2014年的时候我还没有看过[[2001, A Space Odyssey]],但在某一天的dayone日记中,写下了对生物演化的最终路径猜想,也就是变成光(能量生物)。当时写的内容



这次看Project Hail Mary,最开始剧情展开的时候讲到astrophage,一种能够将物质和能量以$$E=mc^2$$公式转化的微生物,我的第一反应就是这和之前自己的假想非常相似,可惜随着剧情推进,Astrophage终究只是一种微生物,本身从来没有产生过智慧,只不过是在更恶劣的星际环境中演化出了惊人的生存方式。不算是纯粹的能量生命,本身还是由基础的氧碳元素组成。









但《乡村教师》和《Project Hail Mary》都提到了太阳系年这个概念,PHM中主角和Rocky也对彼此的时间单位进行了转换。这些文明之间第一次接触的细节让本单位换算爱好者非常满足。当然为了方便描述书中赋予Rocky种族超快的运算力和记忆力,所以后期的交流都是以换算人类单位来描述数据,这其中不知道黑了英制单位多少次,如果说米和摄氏度还算是有点科学依据,那么英里和华氏度简直就是无比任性的落后文明遗毒。

One Eridian second is 2.366 Earth seconds.



You have a language!” I say. “How do you have a language?! You don’t have a mouth!” “♫♫♩,” Rocky explains. Thinking rationally, you can’t make spaceships without a civilization and you can’t have civilization without being able to communicate. So of course they have language. It’s interesting that communication is done with sound, like humans do. Coincidence? Maybe not. Maybe that’s just the easiest way to evolve that trait.

So his clock is intuitive for me to read. And it works like an odometer. “ℓ” is clearly their 0. From that, I know that “I” is 1, “V” is 2, “λ” is 3, “+” is 4, and “V” is 5. What about 6 through 9? They don’t exist. After “V” we go back to “ℓ.” Eridians use base six.

For the next several hours, we expand our shared vocabulary to several thousand words. Language is kind of an exponential system. The more words you know, the easier it is to describe new ones.

Erid is extremely close to its star—about one-fifth as far as Earth is from our sun. Their “year” is a little over forty-two Earth days long. It’s what we call a “super-Earth,” weighing in at eight and a half times Earth’s mass. It’s about twice Earth’s diameter, and a little over double the surface gravity. Also, it spins very fast. Absurdly fast. Their day is only 5.1 hours long.


Yes, and that part is ‘green.’ ” “I not have word for this.” Of course the Eridian language has no words for colors. Why would it? I never thought of colors as a mysterious thing. But if you’ve never heard of them before, I guess they’re pretty weird. We have names for frequency ranges in the electromagnetic spectrum


这本书的叙事结构非常巧妙,试想一下想来之后发现自己在一艘宇宙飞船上,全身上下都是机器手臂维持基础的生命活动,丧失了一切记忆,身边有两具尸体,短暂清醒后得出结论这艘飞船已经不处在太阳系中,整个人会是何等的崩溃。这样一个极其有悬念的开头,能够迅速吸引读者,也看得出作者写书的时候就已经在计划电影剧本了,全篇双线叙事的电影感非常强,甚至感觉双场景切换的时候电影能够以更自然的方法进行过度,相比于书中生硬的换章节切换。很期待在荧幕上看见Rocky的设计,希望还是弱化可怕蜘蛛(Sacry Space Monsters lol)的形象,尽可能往萌蠢可爱的方向去设计。这种倒叙手法的优点是开篇就引人入胜,但缺点是交代了太多后期主线剧情,而人物描写极度缺失,尤其是主角设定上前后相差太大,导致阅读前几章时我一直在心里吐槽人物设定的模板化和光环化,一个失意科学家转行中学教师是何德何能在几年之内成为了拯救世界的宇航员,未免也过于扮猪吃虎和开主角金手指。同时这样一个开头失忆缓慢回忆的剧情发展,在前期阅读的时候我也一直在吐槽,觉得作者也太偷懒,想出这样一个可以随时自然的补充角色设定和双线插入。没想到最后作者竟然把这些设定一个个都圆上了,挖坑填坑如此自然,也如此黑暗,曲折感拉满,到最后竟然前期的槽点都得到解决,前期的差劲体验到后面都成了惊叹。


Consciousness detected,” the computer says. “What’s your name?” “I still don’t know that.” “Incorrect. Attempt number two: What’s your name?” I’m Caucasian, I’m male, and I speak English. Let’s play the odds. “J–John?” “Incorrect. Attempt number three: What’s your name?”

I think in imperial units. That’s a clue. I’m probably an American. Or English. Or maybe Canadian. Canadians use feet and inches for short distances. I ask myself: How far is it from L.A. to New York? My gut answer: 3,000 miles. A Canadian would have used kilometers. So I’m English or American. Or I’m from Liberia.

Eat. Who am I to question a creepy robot-armed computer overlord? I cautiously lick the substance. Oh my God it’s good! It’s so good! It’s like thick gravy but not too rich. I squeeze more straight into my mouth and savor it. I swear it’s better than sex. I know what’s going on here. They say hunger is the greatest seasoning. When you’re starving, your brain rewards you handsomely for finally eating. Good job, it says, we get to not die for a while!

I pull the sheet off the bed and wrap it around my torso a couple of times. I pull one corner over my shoulder from behind my back and tie it to another from the front. Instant toga. “Self-ambulation detected,” says the computer. “What’s your name?” “I am Emperor Comatose. Kneel before me.” “Incorrect.”

I run the numbers and come up with an answer I don’t like. The gravity in this room is too high. It’s 15 meters per second per second when it should be 9.8. That’s why things falling “feel” wrong to me. They’re falling too fast. And that’s why I’m so weak despite these muscles. Everything weighs one and a half times as much as it should. Thing is, nothing affects gravity. You can’t increase or decrease it. Earth’s gravity is 9.8 meters per second per second. Period. And I’m experiencing more than that. There’s only one possible explanation.
I’m not on Earth.

What’s your name?” the computer asks. I look down at my sheet toga. “I am the great philosopher Pendulus!” “Incorrect.”


“Try me!” I screamed. “Go on! Try me! See what happens!” “But I can’t rely on ninety-nine percent, can I?” She glanced at her paper again. “I always assumed the American CIA would have the best interrogation drugs. But did you know it’s actually the French? It’s true. Their DGSE has perfected a drug that causes retrograde amnesia that lasts for long periods of time. Not just hours or days, but weeks. They used it during various anti-terror operations. It can be handy for a suspect to forget he was ever interrogated.” I stared at her in horror. My throat hurt from yelling. “Your med bed will give you a nice dose of it before you wake up. You and your crewmates will just assume it’s a side effect of the coma. Yáo and Ilyukhina will explain the mission to you and you’ll roll right into getting to work. The French assure me the drug doesn’t erase trained skills, language, or anything like that. By the time your amnesia wears off, you guys might have already sent the beetles back. And if not, my guess is you’ll be too far invested in the project to give up.”

另外唯一一个我觉得不太行的剧情推进,是最开始离开研究基地,看见孩子们,为了孩子们的未来,坚定的要求回去,Ms Strat那么理性一人,竟然就被主角光环所打动了。


开头说到这本书电影感非常强,其实有声版本的演绎就已经非常棒。记得前几年Audible开头介绍朗读者用的动词是narrate,现在已经改成了perform。的确如此,本书的有声书朗读者极其优秀,主角的各类情绪,各类生理状态下的语气都传递的很到位,另外俄罗斯大舌头口音,非洲口音,黑人口音,BBC英音和女性声调,朗读者模仿的都非常像,唯一失败的口音是thick Chinese accent,其实我也不知道中国人的英语口音到底是啥,感觉也没形成自己的独特风格,朗读者没办法,能听得出借鉴了一些日语口音。然后是rocky的音符语言,有声书里直接通过电子音生成,效果比纯粹文字阅读好太多。


从最开始的莫斯科绅士,becoming,born a crime,到哈利波特七部曲,到近期的being mortal和Steve Jobs,基本上我对每一本听完的书都是赞不绝口,如果是小说的话真的能够传递出很强的电影感。更加神奇的一点是,听书的时候多多少少自己还是可能再做其他的事,某些书中的场景往往会和彼时听书时在做的事情形成独特的记忆组合,比如记得becoming里听到Michelle描述父亲的轿车像是一艘飞船时自己正在游泳池进行最后的100米冲刺,born a crime里关于拉屎的思考自己一个人走在去餐厅的路上,周围刚下完雪,笑的走不动路。莫斯科绅士Count最后终于走出Metropol,自己正坐在大巴上,看着窗外无比晴朗的蓝天。这些独特的记忆组合,真的是只属于自己的珍贵回忆。




Where is the anomaly?” I ask. “Angular anomaly.” HAL 9000 this computer is not.

HAL9000, I got this reference! 来自2001 Space Odyssey:



She pinched her chin. “What would you call an organism that exists on a diet of stars?” I struggled to remember my Greek and Latin root words. “I think you’d call it ‘Astrophage.’ ”


radiation—and its effects on biology—to Rocky. “Thank,” he says in unusually low tones. Sad tones. “Now I know how my friends died.” “Bad bad bad,” I say.

Erid is extremely close to its star—about one-fifth as far as Earth is from our sun. Their “year” is a little over forty-two Earth days long. It’s what we call a “super-Earth,” weighing in at eight and a half times Earth’s mass. It’s about twice Earth’s diameter, and a little over double the surface gravity. Also, it spins very fast. Absurdly fast. Their day is only 5.1 hours long.

Planets get magnetic fields if the conditions are right. You have to have a molten-iron core, you have to be in the magnetic field of a star, and you have to be spinning. If all three of these things are true, you get a magnetic field. Earth has one—that’s why compasses work.

You know what strong magnetic fields and thick atmospheres are really good at? Radiation protection. All life on Earth evolved to deal with radiation. Our DNA has error-correction built in because we’re constantly bombarded with radiation from the sun and from space in general. Our magnetic field and atmosphere protect us somewhat, but not 100 percent. For Erid, it’s 100 percent. Radiation just doesn’t get to the ground. Light doesn’t even get to the ground—that’s why they never evolved eyes. The surface is pitch-dark.


They accelerate at five hundred g’s until they reach a cruising speed of 0.93 c. It’ll take over twelve years to get back to Earth, but all told the little guys will only experience about twenty months. Do you believe in God? I know it’s a personal question. I do. And I think He was pretty awesome to make relativity a thing, don’t you? The faster you go, the less time you experience. It’s like He’s inviting us to explore the universe, you know?”

为什么Erid和地球科技水平如此类似,也就处于伯仲之间?其实一切都是注定的,如果两颗星球文明水平太低,根本就不能飞出星系,如果远远高于,则轻易就能化解危机,只有刚刚掌握太空技术的,才能勉强来到这里,是以技术水平类似。 文明相遇,感动到流泪。宇宙的残酷与浪漫。

Has to be, or you and I would not meet,” Rocky says. “If planet has less science, it no can make spaceship. If planet has more science it can understand and destroy Astrophage without leaving their system. Eridian and human science both in special range: Can make ship, but can’t solve Astrophage problem.”

I hadn’t thought of that. But it’s obvious now that Rocky says it. If this happened when Earth was in the Stone Age, we would have just died. And if it happened a thousand years from now, we’d probably work out how to deal with Astrophage without breaking a sweat. There is a fairly narrow band of technological advancement that would cause a species to send a ship to Tau Ceti to look for answers. Eridians and humans both fall into that band.


He looked at his tablet. “The nukes have detonated. The shockwave should be here in ten minutes or so. It’ll just sound like distant thunder, though.” He looked down at the carrier deck. Stratt put her hand on his shoulder. “You did what you had to do. We’re all doing what we have to do.” He buried his face in his hands and cried.



Well…I have a theory for why we’re about the same intelligence. Maybe.” “Explain.” “Intelligence evolves to gives us an advantage over the other animals on our planet. But evolution is lazy. Once a problem is solved, the trait stops evolving. So you and me, we’re both just intelligent enough to be smarter than our planet’s other animals.” “We are much much smarter than animals.” “We’re as smart as evolution made us. So we’re the minimum intelligence needed to ensure we can dominate our planets.”

He thinks it over. “I accept this. Still not explain why Earth intelligence evolve same level as Erid intelligence.” “Our intelligence is based on the animals’ intelligences. So what is animal intelligence based on? How smart do animals have to be?” “Smart enough to identify threat or prey in time to act.” “Yes, exactly!” I say. “But how long is that time? How long does an animal have to react? How long will the threat or prey take to kill the animal or escape? I think it’s based on gravity.” “Gravity, question?” He sets the device down entirely. I’ve got his undivided attention. “Yeah! Think about it. Gravity is what determines how fast an animal can run. Higher gravity, more time spent in contact with the ground. Faster movement. I think animal intelligence, ultimately, has to be faster than gravity.”


He pauses, then raises his carapace back to its proper location. “Understand! Make environment barely deadly. Breed Taumoeba that survive. Make more deadly. Breed survivors. Repeat, repeat, repeat!”

“Yes,” I say. “We don’t need to understand why or how nitrogen kills Taumoeba. We just need to breed nitrogen-resistant Taumoeba.”

Yes! And some on my ship too!”
“Yes. The more backups the better.”
He bounces back and forth some more. “Erid will live! Earth will live! Everyone live!” He curls the claws of one hand into a ball and presses it against the xenonite. “Fist me!”
I push my knuckles against the xenonite. “It’s ‘fist-bump,’ but yeah.”


We’re both quiet for a while.
“I guess this is it,” I say.
“It is time,” he says. “We go save homeworlds now.”
“You face is leaking.”
I wipe my eyes. “Human thing. Don’t worry about it.”
“Understand.” He pushes himself along to his airlock door. He opens it and pauses there. “Goodbye, friend Grace.”
I wave meekly. “Goodbye, friend Rocky.”

He disappears into his ship and closes the airlock door behind him. I return to the Hail Mary. After a few minutes, the Blip-A’s hull robot detaches the tunnel.
We fly our ships nearly parallel but with a few degrees’ difference in course. This ensures neither of us vaporizes the other with the back blast from our Astrophage engines. Once we have a few thousand kilometers of separation, we can aim in any direction we want.
Hours later, I sit in the cockpit with my spin drives offline. I just want one last look. I watch the point of IR light with the Petrovascope. That’s Rocky, headed back to Erid.
“Godspeed, buddy,” I say.




这年头关于星际探索的题材基本上少不了中国的出现,也算是对国力和科研技术的肯定。一方面中国提供庞大的资源和人力,另方面中国在载人航天,空间站和星系探索上都对文明的前进做出了自己的贡献。作者上一本[[The Martian]]里中国提供的航天设备以一种人工降神的形式推动故事前进。PHM里中国军方提供的航空母舰,中国航天员队长以及研究Astrophage时展现的科研技术,都是极其正面的存在。




But the fun doesn’t stop there,” she said. “Because once the desperate, starving countries start invading each other for food, the food production will go down. Ever heard of the Tai Ping rebellion? It was a civil war in China during the nineteenth century. Four hundred thousand soldiers died in combat. And twenty million people died from the resulting famine. The war disrupted agriculture, see? That’s how massive in scale these things are.”


“然而恶果还不止这些,”她说,“因为一旦陷入绝望和饥饿的国家开始为了食物互相侵占,食物生产就会减少。” (后面全删