• [/hjʊ’rɪstɪk/]

  • Derived from a Greek word that means “to discover,” heuristic describes a rule or a method that comes from experience and helps you think through things, like the process of elimination, or the process of trial and error. You can think of a heuristic as a shortcut. Besides finding it in philosophy books, if you are interested in computing, you’ll find references to heuristic programming. You can use it as a noun or as an adjective.
    中文普遍翻译成“启发式的”,不恰当。核心意思应该是“经验性的”。heuristic来源自希腊语heuriskein,意思是to discover。但中文翻译成启发式的;探索法。是无法完整表达其含义的。更准确的翻译应该是:通过经验形成的快捷思考方式。(See also system 1
    启发法(heuristics,源自古希腊语的εὑρίσκω,又译作:策略法、助发现法、启发力、捷思法,)是指依据有限的知识(或“不完整的信息”)在短时间内找到问题解决方案的一种技术。它是一种依据关于系统的有限认知和假说从而得到关于此系统的结论的分析行为。由此得到的解决方案有可能会偏离最佳方案。通过与最佳方案的对比,可以确保启发法的质量。 典型的启发法有试错法和排除法。鉴于启发法基于经验,有时它也可能是基于错误的经验(如感知偏离和伪关系)。